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Everyday news from Ukraine and posts from our friends we shared the dance floor with.... Those make us feel hopeless. If there was something more we can do to stop this war.

But donating money is the smallest all of us can do. So part of the PSSF 2022 fees will go to support Ukraine. May this help at least a bit. Stay strong our dearest friends...

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Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Join us on the weekend 8.-10.4.2022 in Prague and get back all the good memories we were holding in our heads for two years....

Those memories how dancing to live band feels.... Those memories how dancing with a friend from far away feels... Those memories how feet can hurt after dancing three nights in a row... Those memories...... Feels like ages. We all deserve those good times to come back

Today the czech government announced Covid rules changes for the next weeks. So we will be able to host the event in the format we like and we all remember. With only one change - Lucerna wont happen this year. But we will all the fun anyways, right?

More info and registration coming within few days so stay tuned! Katerina & PSSF team

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